Join this unique Alaskan expedition with the original backcountry guide that developed and poineered the one and only techinique that allows underwater photographers around the world to capture amazing imagery and max time with these predators.
Free Divers and Snorkelers Welcome

Salmon Sharks are a pelagic species of shark that are can be found roaming the open ocean and close to inland waters during migration periods.
Found largely in the North Pacific, between Japan and the west coast of North America. Female sharks live up to 20 years and mature at 6-9 years of age, while males can live up to 27 years and mature as soon as 3-5 years of age. Masters of heat regulation to help with bursts of speed in icy waters for prey and to increase their vertical range in the water column. Salmon Sharks are part of the endothermic Lamnidae family. Meaning they are able to thermoregulate or maintain a body temperature above the temperature of the surrounding water. Most other marine life is ectothermic, which means they maintain an internal temperature that matches the surrounding water. Lamnids have vascular counter-current heat exchangers or retes, that enable them to retain the heat produced by their metabolism. These retes are located near the muscles used for locomotion and in their viscera or body cavity organs. They are also able to regulate their temperature using vascular shunts that enable them to alter and re-route blood flow. Giving them the advantage to raise their internal body temperature anywhere from 10-15 degree's above the surrounding water. Although curious by nature, these sharks can sometimes be hard to approach without the correct technique. There are a wide variety of prey fishes that Salmon sharks feed on, which include steelhead trout, herring, sardines, pollock, Alaska cod, tomcod, lancetfishes and mackerel. But one is the most likely reason for their migratory pattern to Alaska each summer, Pacific Salmon.
July 2-8, 2022 - 3 spots available
July 9-15, 2022 - 2 spots available
Free Divers and Snorkelers Welcome

Trip leaders, production companies and divers around the world have used us to gain unparalled access to a pelagic fish that had previously been extremely hard to find and even harder to swim with. Come see how North 60 Adventures has opened the door for new shark adventures in the great Alaskan wilderness! Not only are there sharks to see, we've also added new and exciting expeditions for eagle predation from the waterline, swimming into massive jellyfish blooms and jumping in with calved icebergs at Columbia Glacier. At North 60 Adventures, we want to give you the adventure of a life time! They've combined their wealth of knowledge from years of interactions while living and operating North 60 Adventures to bring you an expedition experience in the last frontier, thats like no other! North 60 has all the amenities you'd need for a comfortable stay in the wilderness of Alaska. You'll also find that not only does the lodge cater to several different types of clientele, its also setup with scuba divers in mind with freshwater to rinse gear and hot showers to soak in at the end of the day.
Salmon Sharks have been a frequent visitor to the Sound long before the first European Explores set foot on the shores of Alaska. Recorded stories and photo's go back to the early 1900's of fisherman catching these mighty creatures, as they skirted the coastlines in search of food. Each summer these salmon sharks can be seen moving up the coastlines of Port Fidalgo to congregate in an area known as the "Razors Edge". This deep rocky sub-structure makes ambushing salmon runs relatively easy for them. And although looking like their larger Great White shark cousins, they don't have as fierce a reputation when it comes to humans. Divers that frequent the lodge, regularly swim with these creatures without incident. These sharks have been found to grow to lengths of 10 feet long and 900 pounds. With dazzling displays of acrobatic abilities when chasing salmon, sometimes breaching the water line, 2-3 feet in the air. Salmon Sharks are relatively warm-blooded. Their body temperatures are warmer than the surrounding water, making them the hottest bodies in the shark world (in water that's 36 degrees, their bodies can be 61 degrees). Enabling them the ability for increased bursts of speed to catch their prey. The U.S. Navy has clocked these icy predators at nearly 50 mph.

In recent years shark populations have dwindled at an alarming rate. Boone has starting to raise the awareness with citizen science to reach local audiences about the need for conservation before its to late. Sadly, such is the same with sharks around the globe. The most recent salmon shark population survey was conducted nearly two decades ago during the early 2000's. The Hodgins have started a conservation to help fund and collect updated data on where populations are now. See more at www.alaskasharkconservation.com

We are cage free during this tour, so please be aware that you are swimming freely with these large animals. With that being said, we respect that we are in their environment and practice safety in every detail possible. Over the years, we've never had an accident and will continue to keep this record.


Alaska enjoys some of the best cold-water diving in the world! During spring diving, our typical water temperatures range from cold days at 36 to warmer days late spring at 55 degree's. Visibility at this time can reach 30-50 feet. Although our tempertures become comfortable in the summer for 7mm wetsuits, we recommend dry suits for all our divers during this time period. These trips occur during the spring season during the month of May when there is an explosion of food as the snow melts and the temperture starts to rise. The tour revolves around 3 dives each day (weather dependant) with unique activities scheduled during the week. Whale activity is also very common during this month and guests have the best opportunity to see amazing whale breaches in route to diving spots. This is a tour that combines the best of what Alaska has to offer above and below the waterline. Scuba diving in a coldwater environment will surprisingly yield the same experiences often found in well known warm water destination's like the gold coast of Australia. But the nutrient reach waters surrounding alaska provide fertile grounds for rich invertrbrate life, colorful coral and large marine life. This diverse underwater ecosytem is largely unexplored like its southern Alaska and British Columbia counterparts and some exploratory dives will be conducted to continue to add unique dive spots to our ever-building list of dive locations around the Prince William Sound area. During your stay, there will also be additional activities and adventures that will enhance the overall trip from just a diving destination to a complete Alaska experience from top to bottom. We are the first to offer these adventures to the world and have a passion for what we do, who we share it with and the awe inspiring place that we call Alaska and home!

The Salmon Shark migration time period overlaps almost everything we have to offer during the summer!
Trip synopsis: During your week, we will primarily focus on salmon shark interactions which occur at specific times in the morning and during specific weather windows each day. After salmon shark interactions, we will then try to fit in 2 dives during the rest of the day if time allows. Some days, more time will be spent with sharks, leaving only enough time for one dive.
Package details: 7 day/6 night Shark Package. First and last days are travel days. Includes 5 total days snorkeling/diving, meals, weights, 2 tanks and refills each day. Transportation from Valdez, AK to the remote Ravencroft Lodge and back is also included. Accomodations are single occupancy. Self-guided paddleboards available at lodge for evening use. Alcohol/soft drinks, large heavy snacks & gratuities not included.
Travel details: Fly to Anchorage, AK. Then fly on a smaller commercial flight to Valdez, AK. We recommend that you arrive a day before and leave the following morning from your departure day from the lodge. Divers arriving the day before allow for weather delays into Valdez, AK that may happen from time to time. But arriving early allows you to take advantage of visiting Valdez and Solomon Hatchery where bears, sea lions and eagles can be found feasting on salmon runs. Ask for more details.
Disclaimer: Remember that sharks are free to roam the open ocean and are pelagic animals. They are not caged and thus not released by us at specific times during the day to ensure sightings. So please keep in mind that interactions are highly likely during the week, but not guaranteed. But that's the magic of each encounter and makes it incredibly special!
Group Size: 6 person
Experience Level: Intermediate - Divers need Advanced Open Water Certification Required, non divers welcome.
Time Period: Please call, as this is a highly kept secret from local fisherman
Tour Focus: Salmon Shark Snorkeling
Day 1 - Travel day from Valdez, AK to Lodge. Depart at 12pm. Lunch not included, so be sure to bring a lunch when you arrive. We'll swing by Columbia Glacier for a quick dip and look for sea lions, whales and otters (weather permitting). Then check into rooms and prep gear, with trip briefing/orientation on shark/diving procedures after dinner.
Day 2 - Salmon Shark snorkeling in the morning, followed by shake down dive at lodge dock. Day ends at 2pm, free time to 6pm (Hiking, beachcoming or paddleboarding or hang out at the main lodge with other guests).
Day 3,4 & 5 - Salmon Shark snorkeling in the morning, followed by 1-2 dives (dependent on time spent with sharks). We'll be diving walls, rock formations, salmon creeks as well as looking for jellyfish blooms on the surface. Day ends at 2pm, free time to 6pm (Hiking, beachcoming or paddleboarding or hang out at the main lodge with other guests). Evening of day 5, crew will prep for sleeper sharks.
Day 6 - Sleeper shark snorkeling in the morning, followed by Salmon sharks and diving until 2pm. Then back to the lodge to dry gear and prep for departure following day.
Day 7 - Travel day back to Valdez, AK. Depart Lodge at 9am for Valdez.

Snorkel with an iceberg (tours usually reserved for Antartica or the Artic)
We've put together one-of-a-kind diving tours that focus on getting you maximum diving time under the surface, coupled with equally unique snorkeling adventures and topside photography. We offer two distinct diving time periods, Spring and Fall diving. Each season brings different animal life and experiences. These are trips not offered anywhere else in the world and will leave you with an unforgettable experience that can't be beat. Let us show why these trips are quickly becoming "bucket list" trips for many divers across the world. Be assured, you'll be snapping photos from sunrise to after the sunset for northern lights.

Similar to polar snorkeling in Antartica and the Artic, this iceberg snorkeling tour is reserved for those willing to brave a little colder water for epic shots of floating and grounded ice that have recently calved from the mighty blue behemoth, Columbia Glacier.
But guests should know that this adventure is dangerous and ice can move or even flip without any visual indication ahead of time. Some interesting facts about the area is Columbia Glacier descends from an ice field 3,050 meters (10,000 feet) above sea level, down the flanks of the Chugach Mountains leading into Prince William Sound. It is also one of the most rapidly changing glaciers in the world and the largest tidewater glacier in Alaska. The Columbia is a large glacier flowing directly into the sea. When British explorers first surveyed it in 1794, its nose—or terminus—extended south to the northern edge of Heather Island, a small island near the mouth of Columbia Bay. The glacier held that position until 1980, when it began a rapid retreat that continues today. Since that time it has moved over 10 miles and has been in catastrophic retreat, often calving tremendous icebergs into the bay. In Columbia Bay there is a calm area where kayaking tour groups will spend traversing slow moving and grounded icebergs, which is where we also partake snorkeling with them. There are numerous icebergs to choose from and we'll look for the safest one to swim with, as these bergs tend to roll with little, to no notice. We don’t approach any iceberg and carefully pick the most stable one that we’re able to gain access to through the ice pack. We will give you a safety briefing on how to approach and navigate along one. Floating flat icebergs are not as top heavy and grounded icebergs flip less often, but snorkelers inevitably have the decision to get in or not to swim with an iceberg. We don’t allow diving with icebergs without extended training, experience and numerous logged coldwater, dry suit dives.

Similar to polar snorkeling in Antartica and the Artic, this iceberg snorkeling tour is reserved for those willing to brave a little colder water for epic shots of floating and grounded ice that have recently calved from the mighty blue behemoth, Columbia Glacier.
We’ve taken the next step in the evolution of capturing “one and only” shots usually reserved for high end tv productions with endless budgets and endless time to get the shot. And taken the guess work out of when and where to go, timing, and how to approach without disturbing the birds flight pattern.
This unique adventure can only be done by snorkeling, patience and having your camera settings right ahead of time. These shots are not impossible but require the correct guidance and timing during the baitfish season. We'll take you to an area that holds many eagles that fly the same flight patterns enabling us to get you into the sweet spot to capture incredible photography!
Many new and unseen angles are starting to be conceived and this adventure often becomes the highlight of the week. Just watching the birds in predation mode, hearing the sound of feathers pierce the air and create a sound similar to a jet on a bombing run, can leave everyone breathless to see this occur over and over.

Alaska enjoys some of the best cold-water diving in the world! During spring diving, our typical water temperatures range from cold days at 36 to warmer days late spring at 55 degree's. Visibility at this time can reach 30-50 feet. Although our tempertures become comfortable in the summer for 7mm wetsuits, we recommend dry suits for all our divers during this time period. These trips occur during the spring season during the month of May when there is an explosion of food as the snow melts and the temperture starts to rise. The tour revolves around 3 dives each day (weather dependant) with unique activities scheduled during the week. Whale activity is also very common during this month and guests have the best opportunity to see amazing whale breaches in route to diving spots. This is a tour that combines the best of what Alaska has to offer above and below the waterline. Scuba diving in a coldwater environment will surprisingly yield the same experiences often found in well known warm water destination's like the gold coast of Australia. But the nutrient reach waters surrounding alaska provide fertile grounds for rich invertrbrate life, colorful coral and large marine life. This diverse underwater ecosytem is largely unexplored like its southern Alaska and British Columbia counterparts and some exploratory dives will be conducted to continue to add unique dive spots to our ever-building list of dive locations around the Prince William Sound area. During your stay, there will also be additional activities and adventures that will enhance the overall trip from just a diving destination to a complete Alaska experience from top to bottom. We are the first to offer these adventures to the world and have a passion for what we do, who we share it with and the awe inspiring place that we call Alaska and home!

Witness Eagle predation with the sound of wings feet from your camera!
During the spring season our resident eagle population will feed on the incoming herring spawn that occurs in our area. Birds will often and reliably be seen perched in wait for a fish to break the surface and quickly scream down to snatch it. We’ve had overwhelming success with our topside photographers producing some amazing topside shoots with birds in flight, talons stretched out in anticipation of the meal to come.

Alaska's only sea and land photography tour that gets you images both above and below! This tour takes you into the heart of Prince William Sound and focuses on the explosion of whale activity that happens in the spring.
Herring move into the Sound in massive numbers, bringing with them a feast that large and small animals simply can not ignore. During this tour we look for all manner of aquatic wildlife such as Humpback Whales, Grey Whales, Minke Whales, Dall Porpoise, Orca's, Sea Lions, Harbor Seals and Sea Otters.

This expedition takes you to varying landscapes that include towing mountains that are often referred to as "the mini alps of North America". Photographers will be amazed at the flurry of activity that can be found during the herring migration in the spring.
During the day we'll visit parts of Prince William Sound where whales can most often be found hanging out, playing and forging. The area hosts a variety of animals and we take you to known spots of peak activity to see these animals. At the end of the day, you can relax and share stories at the lodge and wait for darkeness to set in for your chance to see Northern Lights dance across the sky. These are full days packed with lots of opportunities to fill memory cards!


During the trip we'll spend time on the eastern side of Prince William Sound exploring from Port Fidalgo to Columbia Bay. We'll visit known hot spots for wildlife both above and below the surface. Most of the whale activity happens in the Valdez Arm of Prince William Sound, so we'll cross this area several times during the week to put us in the direct path of the annual movement of whales that inhabit the area. In our travels we'll come across little islands that dot the area that are home to many different species of bird life. Bulls Head will also be an area we'll visit where you'll see an active Sea Lion colony with Puffins nesting in the cliffs next door.


Trip synopsis: Small group size. Remote lodge in the heart of Prince William Sound. Private boat for topside photography with a focus on whales and eagles during the week. Only photography tour in Alaska offering snorkel photography tour of icebergs.
Package details: 7 day/6 night Photography Tour. First and last days are travel days. Includes 5 total photography days. Transportation from Valdez, AK to the remote Ravencroft Lodge and back is included. Double occupancy rooms. Self-guided paddleboards available at lodge for evening use. Alcohol/soft drinks, large heavy snacks & gratuities not included.
Travel details: We recommend that you arrive a day before and leave the following morning from your departure day from the lodge. Allowing time if there is a weather delay on your flight in/out of Valdez, AK as this may happen from time to time.
Disclaimer: Remember that animals are free to roam the open ocean and topside animals are free to roam the vast wilderness. There are no fences or nets keeping them to a specific area to ensure sightings. So please keep in mind that interactions are highly likely during the week, but not guaranteed. Guests will need to sign releases before visiting the lodge and snorkelers must be able to swim and be in good physical condition to pertake in all activities. Northern Lights: May 1st, the sun will set at 10pm and May 31st the sun sets at 11pm. Weather plays a huge factor and clouds can spoil your success to capture a solar storm erupting.
Group Size: 6
Time Period: May
Tour Focus: Whales, Eagles & Iceberg Snorkeling
Day 1 - Travel day from Valdez, AK to Lodge. Depart at 12pm. Lunch not included. Look for whales in route for lodge. Arrive in time to settle into guest rooms and have dinner. Lodge orientation after dinner.
Day 2 to 5 - Mornings will be spent on Eagle photography during herring predation. Later turning our attention to whale photography throughout Prince William Sound aboard private vessel. We'll travel out into known whale migration routes to give guests the past chance to see feeding, breaching and tail slapping.
Day 6 - Sea Lion Rookery, Puffin Sanctuary and Columbia Glacier. This is where we'll snorkel with icebergs giving photographers an over/under perspective of these icy blue behemoths. 7mm insulated wetsuits are provided. We just need size info from each guest ahead of time to ensure correct fitting.
Day 7 - Travel day back to Valdez, AK. Depart Lodge at 9am. Arrive in Valdez approx. 12pm.

The Viking is great for small groups and is considered a wet cabin allowing divers to enjoy accessing the heated cabin while waiting for the next dive. It is a 32' catamaran with dual Yamaha 300 outboard's. The cabin is equipped with full electronics, bathroom, heat and seating for up to 7 comfortably. AED & Oxygen medical kit, Life-raft, first aid and all emergency equipment stored inside vessels cabin. Captain is CPR and first aid certified. Divers will have tanks filled with lodge's on shore dive compressor. We end the day at 2pm in order to ensure enough time is given to fill scuba tanks. Depending on the weather and timeframe.
Our goal for the day is shark snorkel in the morning, with two dives. But on great shark interaction days, we may only have time for a single dive for the day. The ratio of shark time compared to "normal diving" is tough to estimate, as it varies day to day. Some days we have more sharks then we can count. On those days we will certainly spend more time snorkeling on the surface to increase longer encounters. On days that sharks remain deeper, we will spend the day with two full dives. In either case you are bound to see a ton of wildlife both above and below the water. Shark encounters are performed with the shark wrangler topside, bringing sharks to the boat. During dive sessions, we use the "buddy system" and do not offer "in water" dive guides, but do give you a detailed briefing so that you can confidently navigate the site with a buddy. If your group would like to request a dive guide, one can be provided for an additional cost but must be booked at the same time you book your stay.